Our customer’s ask was straightforward yet formidable: execute a horizontal bore under Lake Anna to establish a reliable fiber optic connection without disturbing the lake’s ecosystem or the local community.
A mission-critical project for the global internet backbone customer to expand their multi-state fiber infrastructure called for the Virginia OSP construction team to embark on this large-scale underground fiber optic installation at a beloved lake community.
The project required a comprehensive approach leveraging all of the team’s expertise in outside plant fiber optic construction from planning to final testing.
Our customer relied on us not just for executing the bore and installing fiber optic cabling, but also for smart planning of the operation. From clearing and grubbing, to GPR scans, to building the drill pad, we prepared the site and determined the best bore shot location.
- GPR scans helped plan a safe boring pathway, so we could drill without accidentally causing ecological disruptions.
- The team used boat with trolling motor for walkover locating, enabling real-time monitoring of the drill head’s position and depth under the lake.
- Employed advanced steering techniques, such as pitch and clock guidance, to navigate the bore’s trajectory accurately.
We used an all-terrain horizontal directional drill (HDD) with the longest inner rod produced today for trenchless fiber construction that would minimize environmental disruption. Tasked with overseeing the largest bore of his career, our drill foreman (renowned for his expertise in HDD) and his crew brought deep experience and exceptional attention to detail to the job. Pulling the bore—a nighttime operation to minimize traffic disruptions—was executed perfectly, taking less than seven hours.
With drilling done, and the casing successfully installed, 1.5 and 2 inch conduits were pulled through. These were tied into handholes on both ends of the lake. Finally, our team installed and spliced the fiber within the conduits.
In the face of some setbacks—work stoppages caused by the local power company and the concerns of nearby residents—our team exercised flexibility and collaboration with all stakeholders to work through issues and complete the project. One strategy was for our team to lodge near the job site so they could rest during work stoppages but keep working odd hours and weekend shifts to meet the customer’s project schedule.
By carefully monitoring drilling parameters and using best practice techniques, we minimized risks and preserved Lake Anna’s natural beauty while extending fiber connectivity to the far side of the lake. Partnering with a turnkey provider meant that the customer saved time and effort, holding one experienced team responsible for completion from A to Z.
The team earned high praise from the customer, who publicly celebrated the bore shot as a flawless execution completed on time. As a turnkey provider, our teams handled every step of the OSP construction project—from drilling to splicing and testing—to deliver new, high-performance fiber connections. Since the success at Lake Anna, the customer has hired the team for other similar projects, including a large-scale bore under the Rappahannock River.
Our reputation for delivering under challenging conditions continues to grow and our Virginia HDD team is ready and willing to take their Ditch Witch on the road to handle specialty directional drilling projects across the US. We’re proud to be at the forefront of fiber infrastructure construction—one bore at a time.
Get in touch to talk about partnering on your next project.